Monday, September 28, 2009

My Leg Hurts And A New Crusade

September 23rd-25th:Wednesday-Friday

At school I have been helping in the classrooms and playing with the kids at recess. I am glad to say that the novelty of me has worn of at least to the point were the kids have generally stopped fighting over who gets to hold my hand. Its amazing how well you can get to know someone or at least thing you know someone when you can’t understand a word they are saying.

I had a really good run on Wednesday. Put in an excellent time and was very happy. However, I have been having some issues with running. First there is a tendon/muscle thing in my leg running along the inside of the shin on my left leg that is swollen and aching after I run. I can’t figure out how to stretch it. Also my feet hurt. I think/hope these are symptoms which are simply the result of my poor footgear. However with kili coming up in a little over a week I took Thursday and Friday off from running to try to give everything a chance to heal.

Thursday marked the first day of the new crusade. This one is considerably larger (I think because the speaker is white) and is held in a large field about a mile and a half from here. The stage is larger with a decent sound system and they have set up lights which is nice although they turn them on at around 5:30 when it doesn’t get dark tell 6:45-7:00. I would say there are several hundred people there every night so far. Rough estimation between 400-600 people. I mean it’s a lot. Maybe I’ll count them since I generally can’t follow the speakers tirades. He is very focused on proving things and telling the crowd of the mistakes and false ideas of others. He talked about evolution and some other stuff the first night. I have actually done quite a bit of research on the evolution problem and I felt he did a lot more insulting the other side then actually saying anything worthwhile. The second day e proved that Jesus is God, because his body is human but his blood is holy. He also proved that Jesus died on the cross and not an imposter for several reasons. First, Pharisees do not make mistakes so they would not have sentenced the wrong man (doesn’t he believe the Pharisees made a mistake believing what they believed?). Second and third neither the apostles or the roman gaurds would have defended/arrested the wrong man in the Garden. Lastly Mary was there at the crucifixion and because they stripped Jesus almost naked Mary would have recognized her son, and I quote “You can’t fool a mama!”. I find this speaker very aggressive in pointing out the faults of others and I don’t think speaks the truth in love. Interestingly he sounds exactly like Max in the old Get Smart show.

Friday after the crusade ended we were all waiting around for Unity and I played with a little girl who is somehow related to all the people that make up Unity’s extended family. For the ride home we all piled into the back of Unity’s Truck. He has an extended cab so the bed is very small. We crammed more than a doze full sized people and a couple little kids into the back of the truck. It was a great ride home.

1 comment:

  1. Jake, Catching up on all the blog posts! I am glad you are giving your legs a rest. Swelling and soreness is a sign to ice (like yeah), elevate, etc. However pretty proud of the running there my boy! LOVE the blogs. Miss you alot!
