Monday, August 3, 2009

What A Lovely Evening

July 24th: Friday

Today I started helping bobby with math. This has been one of the reasons I came here was to help tutor the Wright kids in math although I haven’t up tell now. Bobby and I were only supposed to work for an hour but being the great math lovers that we are we went above and beyond the call of duty and did two hours. Woohoo! After that we went down to the clinic and started putting a base coat of paint on the banda. The paint here doesn’t have to follow and safety regulations so I think its lead paint. Oh well, long as we don’t eat it we should be fine. That afternoon we picked and cut hibiscus again. Whatever excitement and thrill hibiscus may have once given is gone. In fact it is fast becoming my least favorite chore. After that we had some extra time so Craig gave me a brief lesson on welding. He taught me stick welding. The principle it to draw together the two metals but it’s really hard. Craig says when we start construction on Jim’s house perhaps I can do some more welding which would be really cool.

Because we got done with work so soon I had time to make bread dough for the immunization tomorrow. The government is paying for the medicine and Jim and a couple nurses and a translator are going up to a place in the mountains called Namorapus. After making the bread dough the Tricaricos and some of the visitors started a game of ultimate frisbee that I joined in on. Then I went for a run with Jim. Really good run.

That night Jim invited Mark, Albert, and William over for dinner. Mark and Albert are both nurses and William is the lab tech. William is really funny. He’s really short, maybe 5’5” and he has a really high pitched voice and laugh. His laugh is probably one of my favorite laughs of all time. Before dinner these guys, Johan, Jennifer and I played a game Mark invented called “abortion”. The point of the game is to kick the football between each others legs, causing an abortion. A very silly game. We had pizza for dinner. I loved having these guys over. Their really cool guys and they all have really funny laughs so they would all start laughing and I would crack up. They talked about how some Ugandans think the Karamojan are descended from mountain gorillas and have tails. Then we started talking about how fetuses have tail and so Jim got out one of his medical books and we all looked in it. Then William who is very political lectured about the evils of Barack Obama and how he would have voted for McCain. It was really weird to hear an African talk about how he didn’t like Obama. Stayed up and talked with Jim. Finally went to bed late.

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