Monday, March 22, 2010

I Like Chocolate Milk

February 26th-27th: Friday and Saturday

Friday night Jim and I had the Wrights and the singles over for dinner. Jim made pork with apples. It was really good but very strange since it spelled a bit like apple pie but tasted like sweet pork. Very nice though. After dinner we talked a bit about the difficulties of missions and different aspects of the mission here.

Saturday morning I went to work. Justin and I loaded up Bob’s truck and went over and helped the work crew put the last of the iron sheets over Al’s office. Al is very allergic to mold and every time it rains the roof leaks and new mold sprouts up. Because of this Bob and Craig decided to simply extend the iron sheets out and over. Every thing went very well although it took us a long time. The work crew only works tell 1:00 on Saturday so Justin and I finished up on our own. After putting the last sheet on Justin was standing on top of the scaffolding looked at days work when the scaffold tipped under him. He managed to catch the roof and then springboard off one of the cross braces of the scaffold as it fell and landed on his feet. Dented the roof a bit though.

Justin and I finished around 2:00 so I headed home and had lunch. I made a toasted cheese sandwich with pickles and Jim’s special mustard. Then I made some bread and snickerdoodles at the same time which generally never works for me; I generally end up burning something but everything went well except that when I pulled out the bread and flipped it upside down to let it cool one of the loafs completely collapsed. The entire center was doughy.

Before the community meal Jim and I went on a quick run. The food at the community meal was amazing. Al made the meat and Heather and Jenny made some amazing potatoes plus some salads and stuff. And of course for dessert we had snickerdoodles, mmm…tastes like home. On the way home Jim and I stopped at the Wrights and talked a bit and I realized how little time I have left here. Heather and Jenny came over for a movie and Jim made some drinks with his chocolate milk. Jim bought two huge packs of chocolate milk in little juice boxes about a month ago because the guy gave him a really good discount. Well the expiration date is tomorrow so Jim realized this a few days ago and he and I have been drinking about 4 of these a day ever since.


  1. I like po-ta-toes. And cereal.

  2. yes! i hoped you would get that. you are probably the only person too but it is worth it. your the best
